Application for Volunteer Membership

If you would like to become a CVSS volunteer, please complete a Volunteer Membership Application Form.

You are encouraged to Apply on-line

By applying online, you are helping CVSS substantially reduce our administration by not having to re-key your data.
If you are unable to do so, download a form, complete it, and send it to our Membership Secretary.

It is necessary to complete an application form annually. This ensures we hold the most recent information and that you're covered by our insurance.

CVSS uses Three Rings an online volunteer booking system to enable volunteers to enter their availability in advance. Once your Membership Application Form has been submiited and approved you will receive your log-in details. If you are unable to use the online booking system, please contact the Secretary

All Volunteers must have a DBS check. These need to be renewed every three years. Please contact our Membership Secretary for further information.

See other Membership options

Find Us

Aquadrome, Bury Lake
Frogmoor Lane
Rickmansworth, Hertforshire

Postcode for Satnav - WD3 1NB

Map (Opens in new tab)

Charity number: 1155165
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